I just bought my first pair of antlers at a German flea market and have been busy looking at ways to arrange them. After scouring the Internet I began to realize how versatile they are! From entryways, dining rooms and bedrooms to nurserys and even weddings, there is an antler for every space and event! Whether you like the real thing, the painted decal version, or one of the composites, there are enough antler variations out there to find just what you're looking for. Here are just a few of my favorite ways you can incorporate them into your decor...
*I have done my best to link the photos below to their original source. If one of these photos is yours and you would like to be acknowledged in some other fashion, please send me an email. Thanks for your great work!
1. Frame it! How many times have you seen a frame in the clearance section because the glass is broken? Now you can get a great look and a great deal too (think spray paint!)
*I have done my best to link the photos below to their original source. If one of these photos is yours and you would like to be acknowledged in some other fashion, please send me an email. Thanks for your great work!
1. Frame it! How many times have you seen a frame in the clearance section because the glass is broken? Now you can get a great look and a great deal too (think spray paint!)
2. Surround it with things you love! Old photos, your favorite prints and paintings, pressed folliage, and vintage mirrors are just a few of the things that can accent your antlers.
3. A little goes a long way! Not sure you're ready to jump in with both feet? Try using antlers as an accent piece rather than the main attraction.
So, after all of my research and a couple of other flea market finds, here is my new antlered wall! With such a large white wall to cover, I can't wait to start adding vintage prints and mirrors around it like in suggestion #2 above (I will post a finished version of the wall when it's complete.) But for now I'm now on the lookout for a darker, more formal wooden dresser to kick this into high gear. I also posted our mounted longhorns that we found in El Paso a few years back. Let me know what you think or send me your photos and I'll post them here!
Update: After buying a large piece a furniture, I had to move the gallery To a different wall. I also added a couple of new elements. I think the placement on this wall is much better (although the photo quality is not.)
Still looking for more ways to use antlers in your home or event decor? Check out my Antler Adoration board on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/KimandCoDesign/antler-adoration/